

Matthew laRovere Sr., President

St. John's Preparatory School

Wentworth Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Architecture and Building Construction.

Licensed Massachusetts Construction Supervisor

When not busy working, Matt can be seen with his wife Wendy and family enjoying his love for fine dining at many of the region's restaurants and establishments.  



Matthew Larovere Jr., Project Engineer

Licensed Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson

Licensed Massachusetts Construction Supervisor

St. John's Preparatory School

Merrimack College, B.S. Civil Engineering 

Wentworth Institute of Technology, M.S. Construction Management 

Matt Jr. and his wife Kristen have two sons, Matthew III and Luca. Outside of work, they enjoy spending their time with family and friends at various restaurants, sporting events, and concerts around the North Shore.



Vincent Larovere, Operations

Licensed Massachusetts Real Estate Sales Person

St. John's Preparatory School

Bowdoin College, A.B. Economics 

Wentworth Institute of Technology, A.S. Building Construction Management, Summa Cum Laude. Tau Alpha Pi - National Honor Society for Engineering Technology

Vincent has a passion for automobiles and all things related. When not working, Vincent, his wife Cassandra, and their Goldendoodle Tilli can be found cruising the North Shore in their Mustang.